Steven Dalby also reaches 10 years at Scott Rees

This article was published on: 02/27/19

Steven Dalby reaches the 10 year service milestone at Scot Rees & Co

Congratulations to Steven Dalby for reaching the 10 year milestone mark last month! This follows the milestone achievements from Julie Cross who reached 20 years and Dogus Usta who reached 10 years at Scott Rees.

Steven Dalby started here as a IT Technician. In his 10 years he has worked his way up through every IT role and position, and eventually becoming the IT Manager at the end of 2017.

“I’ve worked up from the most junior position in IT to the Head of IT. I’d like to thank the Partners at Scott Rees as it wouldn’t have been possible without them taking some chances on me.”

He also said, “I’d also like to thank my Team for making me look good!”

Whilst said in jest he also meant the truth as, after all, he and his IT department form the heart and spine of the company to ensure we can function properly and provide a service to our clients!

As well as having an amazing team working alongside him, he also mentioned the atmosphere at Scott Rees as a prime reason for why he has stayed for such a long time.

“There are loads of friendly people and I get along with pretty much everybody. Everyone is like a family to me.”

Steven can always be identified as having one of the biggest grins in the firm as he is either making people smile or simply spreading his positivity.

And that means we have announced THREE of our FOUR milestone achievements in February! Make sure to check back tomorrow as we announce someone who has been at Scott Rees for TWENTY-FIVE of the 27 years we have been around for!!