
This website, www.scottrees.com, is the official website for Scott Rees & Co solicitors in the UK. This page contains all the legal information that you are bound to by using our website. We have condensed the information on this page to make easy reading.


Scott Rees & Co solicitors are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority(registration number 74802). Scott Rees & Co solicitors have worldwide Professional Indemnity Insurance cover supplied by AIG, previously known as Chartis Insurance UK Ltd. Their address is The AIG Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4AB. Our VAT registration number is 582 092 730.

Website content

The content on this website contains general information based on the English law. Whilst Scott Rees & Co make every effort to ensure that the content publicly posted on the website is accurate and up-to-date; the content should not be construed as official legal advice. Please contact us directly for free impartial legal advice on any specific legal problems. Scott Rees & Co solicitors accept no liability that may arise from viewing our website.


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A lot of the images used on the website is through the creative commons license, which are free-to-use images for all purposes including commercially. A reference of sources used include: FlickrPexelsPixabay and Commons Wikimedia. Some of the images we have used were obtained with the appropriate licenses and/or permissions from the appropriate parties and stock image companies such as Shutterstock. Lastly, any images that were not sourced externally belong to and remain the property of Scott Rees & Co and are under our copyrights.

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