Woman who suffered injury in supermarket wins compensation claim

This article was published on: 03/8/17

A North Lincolnshire woman, who suffered a knee injury when she tripped over some newspaper binding in a supermarket, has won her claim for compensation.

Unattended hazards

The woman, known as Annie previously suffered leg injuries which require her to make a number of concessions. Suffering any additional minor injuries therefore carry greater risk to her safety.

As she was shopping at her local supermarket, Annie did not notice the plastic binding, which is used to hold together newspapers, lying unattended to on the floor. As a result, she tripped and fell, causing damage to her knee.

The incident left her feeling shaken and her injured knee feeling very weak. She elected not to get up straight away. This was due to her previous injuries, as she did not want to aggravate her knee further.

Afterwards, Annie was helped to her feet by other shoppers and the shop manager also came to help. He also made a note of the incident in the accident the log book

Annie then visited her local A&E due to feeling of dizziness and nausea. She was given pain medication and referred on for further physiotherapy. During her recovery period Annie was forced to take time from work and see an orthopaedic surgeon for further assessment.


Following her accident, Annie made the decision to make a personal injury claim against the supermarket. She instructed Scott Rees & Co to act on her behalf and the injury was discussed further with the shop owners.

Further details of the event and of Annie’s injuries were taken. As the staff member on duty had neglected their duty to clear up the binding, therefore creating a hazard, the store accepted full liability for the claimant’s accident.

Following the admission, a settlement was agreed and Annie was awarded £4,012 in compensation.

Scott Rees and Co has been helping claimants like Annie get compensation for their injuries for 25 years. If you have been in a similar position and would like legal help get in touch by calling 01695 722 222. Alternatively fill out our claim form online here and one of advisers will be in touch.

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