Whiplash claims falling according to Government figures

This article was published on: 07/27/16

The Government’s Compensation Recovery Unit, has revealed that for the fifth year running the number of whiplash claims being made is falling.

The revelations contradict the dispersions cast by the insurance industry that there is a problem with escalating whiplash claim numbers and calls into question the real reason why you are paying more for your motor insurance premiums year on year.

Since 2010/11, the number of whiplash claims made in the UK has dropped by more than 235,000 claims. The figures are formed by data sent through by the insurers themselves, who report all personal injury claims to the CRU when they are made.

Despite this information though, insurers continue to hike premium prices and push for further whiplash reform that could eventually see genuine victims go without compensation. They do this through the argument of tackling fraud within the profession, yet continue to make fraudulent claims themselves that the number of whiplash claims is on the rise and that there is a compensation culture.

It remains to be seen how this information will affect the Government’s proposals to introduce further whiplash reform and increase the small claim’s limit. The EU referendum and the restructuring of the conservatory party a result of the fall out has already seemingly delayed the plans.

Parliament is currently in recess until September, which will almost certainly further the delay on any decisions regarding the small claims limit and with the initial driver of the reforms, George Osborne (pictured above), now removed from his position by new Prime Minister, Theresa May, there is the chance for a refreshed approach.

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) managed to get the figures published after submitting a freedom of information request and it is hoped the findings will at the very least, force the Government to consider its options.

Scott Rees and Co Partner, David Byrne, urged the Government to take note of the findings, saying:

“These figures have confirmed what we have always known. The alleged ‘compensation culture’ that the insurers like to promote, quite simply is a myth. The fact that these findings have come from the Government’s own figures surely should force them to take a further look into the matter and reconsider their plans to increase the small claims limit and remove the ability to claim compensation for whiplash.”

“I would also urge the Government to ask questions of the insurers in regards to increasing insurance premiums. When the initial reforms were introduced, it was done so on the provision that any savings made from a reduction in the number of claims going through, would be recognised in insurance premium savings. That has not happened.

“It is so important to protect access to justice for all those who are involved in an accident caused by the negligence of others. Injuries attached to road traffic accidents, nearly always result in time off work for rehabilitation, which of course comes at a cost for the victim. It is only right that these costs are covered by the person who caused the accident in the first place.”

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