Thousands of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, cancer and liver disease have not received their follow up appointments

This article was published on: 05/14/21

Aintree University Hospital

Senior doctors at the Royal Liverpool Hospital have revealed that almost 10,000 patients did not receive follow up appointments after their initial treatments at Aintree Hospital (image above) due to administrative negligence and faults with their IT system.

The article published by the Liverpool ECHO claims that this issue was first identified at Aintree Hospital in 2018, but the problem may have been ongoing as far back as 2015.

This means that many patients with long term and dangerous conditions including cancers, inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease may not have been monitored for up to 6 years.

After the shocking discovery by senior consultants during the merger between the gastroenterology departments at Aintree Hospital and the Royal Liverpool Hospital, they were forced to write to their directors to acknowledge the lack of care and negligence given to their patients.

As a result the healthcare watchdog Care Quality Commission (CQC) have been contacted and a CQC spokesman said: “We have been made aware of concerns regarding waiting lists at Aintree University Hospital’s gastroenterology services and we are following these up with the trust.”

If you were previously a patient of the Gastroenterology department at Aintree Hospital within the last 6 years and believe that your medical condition has worsened as a result of not receiving your follow up appointment, or that it was delayed, please contact Scott Rees & Co solicitors, your medical injury claim specialists. We specialise in medical negligence claims ranging from surgery gone wrong, to misdiagnosis, to maternity claims and more. If you believe you may have suffered any form of medical negligence from your hospital, please call us for free on 0800 61 43 61 and we’ll see what we can do for you.

Image source

Wikimedia; Rept0n1x;,_Lower_Lane,_Fazakerley_%281%29.JPG