Does technology bring more danger?

This article was published on: 05/3/17

Technology lets us do amazing things. It creates an easier lifestyle and helps us complete tasks. It can also however create new risks and problems. With technology comes calculated risks, hopefully risks which can be eradicated as we better develop the latest technological products.

Computer errors?

While human error causes many accidents, computers are known to also have faults. Gaps in programming and design can create injury risks for early adopters and testers. During the testing of some driverless cars, there have been instances of collisions and even a death of the passengers inside.

Programming bugs can have devastating results; as demonstrated in the death of a Tesla driver last year. The sensor in that particular car was affected by bright sunlight. That sunlight meant the car did not spot a huge 18 wheel truck heading across the car’s path. A high speed, head on collision was the tragic result, killing the driver.

This sort of technology will hopefully one day be in use every day. Self driving cars, automated delivery drones and other forms f transpiration can allow humans to complete other tasks while they are whisked away in comfort. If all cars could even sync with each (via GPS) we could potentially see free flowing, safe traffic. For now however, we are still in the testing phases and should stay cautious of developing tech.

Legislating changes

Sometimes new technology is hard to classify under regular laws. In the case of hoverboards, it was difficult to say at first which laws suitably applied. Quickly, the government ensured it was known that they were not allowed on pavements. The reasons behind this were due to design (having a motor rather than being user propelled). However, it would turn out to be a safe decision to prevent users falling from pavements to the road.

Hoverboards also faced design problems resulting in fires. When some hoverboards were charging, a number of models exploded. This is not uncommon among many newer technologies. In the past 2 years there have also been well documented cases of newly launched mobile phones igniting and the increasingly popular e-cigarette exploding.

All these are examples of teething problems in technology which, while not unfixable, pose risks to early adopters. The safest option for producers would be to fully test a product before launching, as is the case with driverless cars.

What if I have been hurt?

If any new product is released without adequate testing or usage conditions stated, the customer does have protection from faults causing damage.

Burns, cuts and bruising caused by the product are injuries that shouldn’t occur in everyday use. The manufacturer therefor is liable for improper testing which has resulted in your injury.

If you or a friend/ family member have been placed in this position and would like free, impartial advice, Scott Rees & Co can help you. We are experienced personal injury solicitors, having helped thousands of clients over our 25 years.

To have a free consultation, call 01695 722 222 (lines are open weekdays from 9am to 7pm) or alternatively you can begin a no win no fee compensation claim right away by filling out our simple online form here.


1. Wikimedia Commons; Wikipedia;
2. Richard Unten; Flickr;
3. Ben Larcey; Flick;