A report published in May from the NHS, as reported by the Mirror, suggests that £108,000,000 worth of compensation has been paid out to patients who have suffered the death of a loved one by negligent behavior from NHS staff. The types of negligent behavior that often result in death includes delays to treatment, misdiagnosis and poor medication. This is a shocking revelation that has damaged the already fragile reputation of the NHS even further.
Naomi Riley, who is a associate member of CILEx solicitor with Scott Rees & Co, said: “It is staggering that medical negligence on this scale still happens within the NHS. We regularly speak with clients requesting our help, whose lives have been turned upside down because of negligent behavior”. She goes on to say, “It’s very distressing reading reports such as this, but we are always committed to helping our clients get the justice they deserve through the legal system.”
This report was followed up two weeks later by the Independent, who recently found that Britain has the second worst record in Western Europe in regards to infant mortality. This is a record that no one wants and is a major concern for parents to-be or even those who may want to have children in the future.
Upon reading the shocking revelations, Chris Walker, our Head of Catastrophic Injury department, noted: “It’s a shameful statistic for our Country to have its name next to. We are very proud to have the NHS but when you read articles like this it makes you ask questions of what’s going wrong within it.”
This poses the question; Why is the NHS so bad? In a critical report by Kingsfund they have highlighted an “unprecedented and sustained” slowdown in spending growth coupled with the Nuffield Trusts report which has shown a “significant” rise in admissions from 2004/05 to 2008/2009, which has since continued into 2015. It’s fair to say with less money and more work, accidents are always going to happen, but is that acceptable?
Solicitor Bilal Hussain said: “Absolutely no. It is evidently clear that the lack of funding for the NHS has had a significant effect on us all. From the overworked medical staff, doctors and nurses, who are suffering as a result of busier shifts, to those members of the public who are the most vulnerable to sickness and injury and therefore are forced put their trust into the national health service on a more frequent basis.”
“Sadly in many cases of malpractice, neglect and poor treatment, the consequences have proven to be catastrophic if not fatal. In dealing with matters of clinical negligence, the alarming circumstances of malpractice and neglect on behalf of the trust are seen far too often and has recently resulted in an increase of media attention and public concern.”
“Whilst the cause of such cases are subjective, as a general principal, whatever the cause, there can be no real justification for the failure to provide a standard of service which ensures the very best. Anything less would be wholly unacceptable.”
One thing is for certain and that’s that things can’t stay the way they are. Until then, Scott Rees & Co will remain committed to helping those who have been affected by medical negligence to gain justice and compensation as a small consolation for the tragic loss of their loved ones.