Frequently asked questions
- Why should I claim compensation?
- Is claiming for compensation contributing to the compensation culture?
1. Why should I claim compensation?
Lost earnings
Have you lost income because you were unable to work after your accident? As long as you are not fully responsible for the accident and your injuries, then we can help you reclaim your lost earnings as part of your compensation. In serious injury cases where your career has been severely affected, we can even help you to claim for your potential future earnings.
Learn more about How Your Compensation Is Calculated.
Recovery plan (rehabilitation)
We can do more than just claim money for you. We can help aid your rehabilitation by arranging for treatment relevant to your injuries. Medical treatment that we have arranged for past clients include physiotherapy; MRI, CT and x-ray scans; private therapists; specialist orthopaedic carers; surgery and more.
Personal carers
If the injury has affected your personal life and left you unable to carry out your daily duties, or the injury has prevented you from being able to care for others normally dependent on you (such as children, grandparents, etc), then we can help you by arranging for a carer. We can arrange for professional, full-time, home-based personal carers and nursing carers based your needs and requests.
2. Is claiming for compensation contributing to the compensation culture?
The so-called ‘compensation culture’ is a myth. We believe it was designed by insurers for profit reasons and brought out of context by the media. It is now a tool to make people too ashamed to make legally valid claims.
Studies have shown that 4 in 10 people do not make a legitimate claim out of fear that they are contributing to the compensation culture. The compensation culture myth has given people the impression that claiming is morally wrong. People are being made to feel bad for using a legal system that is designed to help them!
Compensation is not for financial gain; it is to help victims recover from what they lost and suffered from an accident. As long as your claim is genuine, and you are honest with us, then you do not have to worry about contributing to the compensation culture.
This is a disclaimer to say we do not accept liability for any inaccurate or out-of-date information contained on this website at any given time. Whilst we do make every effort to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, you should only treat this information as a guideline. For more information relevant to your claim, you should speak directly to your solicitor.