Fractured nose (£1,300 ~ £3,800)
You could be awarded between £1,300 and £3,800 as compensation for suffering a broken nose in an accident.
The two most common types of nose fractures are undisplaced fractures and displaced fractures. An undisplaced nose fracture is when the bone cracks but the nose stays in the same shape and does not move. A displaced nose fracture is when the bone snaps and at least one part of the bone has moved out of its original position. Surgery is usually required to rectify a nose deformity after suffering a displaced nose fracture.
Serious nose fracture (£8,100 ~ £17,500)
You could be awarded between £8,100 and £17,500 as compensation for suffering a serious nose fracture in an accident.
Facial deformities are common and will often require reconstructive surgery or other to repair the damage. You may require numerous operations following a serious or multiple nose fracture. The resulting damage from the accident can sometimes be permanent and affect your airways, nerves or tear ducts.
Loss of smell (£19,000 ~ £29,800)
You could be awarded between £19,000 and £29,800 as compensation for suffering loss of smell (anosmia) from a brain injury accident.
The loss of smell (also known as anosmia) is caused by a head or brain injury; we have included it here as it is related to the nose. People suffering from a loss of smell will often suffer from a loss of taste too. If you are suffering from anosmia following a recent head injury, then you could be entitled to a personal injury claim.
Can’t find your injury?
Don’t worry if you cannot find your injury or condition. You can still claim even if your injury is not listed as there are too many injuries to cover. If your doctor has diagnosed that you are suffering from an injury or condition, and you think it could be the result of a recent accident or incident, then bring your claim to us and we can help you look into it.
Claiming compensation for a nose injury
Have you suffered a nose injury that wasn’t your fault? If yes, then call us today for expert advice in your free initial consultation. We are personal injury specialists and deal with nose injury claims regularly. We can genuinely offer you the most relevant injury advice for your claim.
If we can help you, then we will support and guide you from your very first call till the end of your claim. We can provide you with the resources to fight your claim. We can support you with your recovery, treatment and more. Unless stated otherwise, all of our claims are no win no fee.