Back strain (£1,800 ~ £21,100)
You could be awarded between £1,800 and £21,100 as compensation for suffering back strain at work.
Lower back muscle strain is the overstretching or tearing of the muscles in your back. When you suffer back strain or back sprain, the soft tissues become inflamed. This inflammation causes back pain, muscle spasm, and more. You can suffer back strain from using poor lifting techniques at work or by lifting heavy objects. If you have suffered a back injury at work, then Scott Rees & Co can help you with your personal injury claim.
Spinal fractures (£21,100 ~ £53,000)
You could be awarded between £21,100 and £53,000 as compensation for suffering fractures to your spine in a car accident.
Fractures are cracked or broken bones. Fractures to the spine can occur when more pressure than the vertebrae can withstand is applied. Diseases such as osteoporosis (weakening of the bones due to aging) can contribute to fractures. The most common causes of fractures to the spine are car accidents and falling accidents.
Dislocated back (£29,400 ~ £53,000)
You could be awarded between £29,400 and £53,000 as compensation for suffering a spine dislocation in a car accident.
A dislocation of the spine is when the ligament or disc holding two vertebrae together is stretched or torn. For example, a dislocation of the back can occur when the ligaments in the spine are stretched as the person is forced forward in a car crash but their upper body is held back by the seat belt. The treatment and recovery of a spinal dislocation will usually require surgery or a brace.
Spinal lesion (£29,400 ~ £53,000)
You could be awarded between £29,400 and £53,000 as compensation for suffering a spinal lesion in an accident.
A spinal lesion is the abnormal change of any tissue or organ caused by disease or injury affecting your spinal cord. As such, a spinal lesion can have symptoms ranging from excessive pain to weakness of the body and even changes to your personality. The most accurate way to determine if you are suffering from a spinal lesion is to have an MRI scan.
Spinal nerve damage (£56,000 ~ £67,200)
You could be awarded between £56,000 and £67,200 as compensation for suffering spinal nerve damage in an accident.
The nerves that leave your spinal cord are the spinal nerves. Damage to your spinal nerves can cause loss of sensation, weakness of the body, impaired bladder and bowel functions, sexual difficulties and more. In the most serious of cases, spinal nerve root damage can result in incomplete paralysis. High impact accidents are the most likely causes of spinal nerve damage, but can also be caused by medical negligence during surgery.
Incomplete paralysis (£69,000 ~ £122,300)
You could be awarded between £69,000 and £122,300 as compensation for suffering incomplete paralysis from damaging the spinal cord in your spine.
Damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots in your spine can lead to devastating injuries such as paralysis and more. Incomplete paralysis is where some muscle function and sensation can still be felt in the paralysed limb. This disability is often suffered following a traumatic accident such as a car crash or a crush from a heavy object falling onto you.
Find out how we can help if you have been affected with paralysis following an accident.
Can’t find your injury?
Don’t worry if you cannot find your injury or condition. You can still claim even if your injury is not listed as there are too many injuries to cover. If your doctor has diagnosed that you are suffering from an injury or condition, and you think it could be the result of a recent accident or incident, then bring your claim to us and we can help you look into it.
Claiming compensation for a back injury
Have you suffered a back injury that wasn’t your fault? If yes, then call us today for expert advice in your free initial consultation. We are personal injury specialists and deal with back injury claims regularly. We can genuinely offer you the most relevant injury advice for your claim.
If we can help you, then we will support and guide you from your very first call till the end of your claim. We can provide you with the resources to fight your claim. We can support you with your recovery, treatment and more. Unless stated otherwise, all of our claims are no win no fee.