Criminal injuries can be difficult cases to win in some instances. Often criminal activities, such as muggings or assaults, are performed in a manner that the person committing the crime can escape without being identified. This is not always the case and police investigations can help unearth those who perpetrated crimes. Recently in Skelmersdale, however, using a dashcam, police were on hand to catch a criminal injury first hand, when a dangerous driver initiated a 100mph+ chase through the town.
Criminal Injury
Cyclist, Mr Frank Doherty, who was unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of the chase, was knocked from his bike and suffered injuries to his knee and thumb..
Caught entirely on camera, this case was a very simple matter as the defendant, Mr Ian Fenney, was tracked down following the chase and taken to the local crown court. It was there that evidence was brought against Mr Fenny, who was already on bail for previous offences and he was jailed for 12 months.
Criminal injuries are usually handled dependant on circumstance. They can be treated differently than a normal compensation claim, against an employer for example, or by using somebody’s insurance if the injured person does not know who committed the crime. If a criminal is identified, then a claim can proceed as normal. Criminal claims with no named defendant require an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) who will then decide on the case.
Making a claim
If you have been subject to a criminal injury similar to Mr Doherty, (including incidents like an assault, then you are still able to seek legal representation for either a CICA application or a standard injury claim against the named defendant.
Scott Rees & Co has represented many clients in recent years pursue justice through the CICA scheme, which allows those injured to get assistance financially when police investigations prove fruitless.
To find out more information about how to make a criminal injury claim, whereby you have suffered injury, you can call us on 01695 722 222 and speak to one of our specialists advisers. Our lines are open from 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday, and all of our solicitors operate on a no win no fee basis, ensuring no risk when you begin a claim with us. Call today to see what Scott Rees & Co can do for you.