Figures released by the Department for Work and Pension (DWP), Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) has confirmed that the total number of whiplash claims that were made last year has dropped nearly 11% to the lowest total since 2008/09, which begs the question. Why are some insurers only forecasting an estimated 3% decrease in consumer’s premiums?
The answer is simple according to Scott Rees and Co Managing Partner, Royston Smith (pictured), and that is through pure greed from those insurers who have campaigned and hoodwinked the government into believing that these reforms were essential.
Talking about the revelation of the figures Royston Smith said: “These figures simply expose the arguments of the insurers throughout the lead up and implementation of the Jackson reforms as mere allegations of convenience as opposed to showing any real interest in helping the consumer. It is difficult to understand why any reforms were passed when these figures clearly dispute the reasoning for such large scale changes.
“Now an entire industry is being forced to change a successful model which has allowed for both the claimant to receive the access to justice and legal firms in the field of personal injury to operate comfortably at a profitable level.”
The figures certainly do leave the insurance industry with a lot of explaining to do and will now crank up the pressure further when it comes to the price of the insurance premium for the consumer.
It is especially as disconcerting due to the fact as part of the Transport Select Committee’s whiplash inquiry revealing that the figures that the insurance industry presented to the government and them, was in fact dated and misleading.
Mr Smith continued: “The reforms have been implemented and there is nothing much we can do at this time, other than to learn to adapt and move on, which is what we at Scott Rees have certainly been doing. But surely now there has to be some further questions and reviews into the role the insurers have played in this entire debacle and surely when the government comes to making a decision regarding the discount rate and the small claims limit they will look more favourably at the honest evidence the personal injury industry has presented throughout, rather than that of the insurers whose argument is based on misleading figures and incorrect facts.”
The Justice Secretary, Helen Grant announced earlier this month that a decision on the small claims limit is on hold until the findings of the Transport Select Committee’s Whiplash Inquiry, which is expected to be in autumn, whilst the debate surrounding the discount rate is still ongoing.