Can I get compensation for silicosis?

This article was published on: 11/28/24

Can I get compensation for silicosis?

Silicosis is a terminal lung disease caused by inhaling crystalline silica dust over a long period of time. The dangerous exposure to silica dust sadly leads to inflammation and irreversible scarring of the lungs, severely impacting an individual’s quality of life.

What is Silicosis?

Crystalline silica dust is found in certain types of stone, clay, sand and rock and is often used for construction materials such as tiles, stone, rock, concrete and artificial stone worktops. The dust is generated when cutting, drilling, grinding and polishing these materials.

A UK study reported that the first eight UK cases were all men ranging from 27 to 56 years old and all had median stone dust exposure for 4 to 40 years. People who work in the following industries are particularly at risk:

  • Stonemasonry and stone cutting
  • Worktop manufacturing and fitting
  • Glass manufacturing
  • Sandblasting
  • Mining
  • Quarrying
  • Construction
  • Pottery
  • Masonry
  • Demolition

The Rise of Silicosis Cases

In recent years, there has been a rise in silicosis diagnosis and particularly among workers manufacturing and fitting artificial stone kitchen worktops. Artificial stone has been popular for interior designs due to its aesthetic appeal and durability, however, its high silica content (more than 90% compared with marble which contains 3% ) poses a severe health risk to workers involved in its manufacturing and installation.

Doctors in the UK have been calling for urgent measures to ban artificial stone worktops following the first 8 cases in the country. It’s necessary to regulate materials that use silica dust and protect workers.

In May 2024, the UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) updated its guidance on respirable crystalline silica (RCS) exposure, aiming to clarify an employer’s duty of care and enforce stricter compliance.

Negligence in the Workplace

If you work in an environment where you may be exposed to silica dust, it’s essential that appropriate health and safety measures are implemented. Employers have a legal duty of care to take reasonable measures to protect workers from injuries and foreseeable health risks.

These measures include providing appropriate protective equipment and clothing, conducting regular health risk assessments, ensuring proper ventilation in your work environment and using dust suppression systems.

Can I claim compensation?

If an employer fails to comply with their legal duties to protect your health and safety in the workplace, resulting in your exposure to silica dust, you may be eligible to make a compensation claim.

A silicosis compensation claim provides individuals with crucial financial support and can offer a sense of justice for the suffering you’ve encountered. Compensation can also help support your family and cover medical expenses, lost earnings due to your inability to work, and ongoing care and medical treatments.

If the affected individual cannot claim due to age, death or lack of mental capacity, their family can claim compensation on their behalf.

Our expert personal injury solicitors can help you navigate the legal process step by step, get in touch with us for more information.